Page 27 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
P. 27

covers the insured’s liability for financial loss   than in 2022. Although absenteeism at Nemko
            claims made against them during the insurance      Group AS is 2,7 percent below the industry
            period as a result of a wrongful act or omission   average, we can still consider measures such
            by the insured in their capacity as CEO,           as the use of part-time sick leave as a possible
            board member, member of management, or             strategy to prevent long-term absences. However
            equivalent governing body in the group.            we can see that for the 2023 we have had less
                                                               part time sick leave than the industry average.
            Employees: The average number of employees
            in Nemko Group in 2023 was 838 globally.           Nemko’s treatment insurance has also
            Nemko Group AS had a total of 38 full-time         contributed to employees returning to work
            equivalents based in Oslo at the end of            more quickly and we have updated our
            2023. Of these, 29 were men and 10 were            coverage from mid-2023 to increase the
            women. Therefore, Nemko Group AS is not            number of available treatments on the plan as
            obligated to report under the Equality and Anti-   well as increasing the scope to also include
            Discrimination Act, nor is it required to conduct   psychologist services. The company is an IA
            pay equity assessments. Documentation on           (Inclusive Workplace) company and actively
            how we actively promote diversity and equality     follows up on employees on sick leave
            and combat discrimination in Nemko Group           through collaboration with the Norwegian
            AS in Norway is available upon request.            Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) and
            Nemko Group AS has a Code of Conduct and           the Occupational Health Service. Preventive
            overarching policies related to ethics, integrity,   measures, such as offering massages/
            and recruitment, which are central to our          physiotherapy on-site, are continued.
            efforts in promoting equality, integration, and    Additionally, Nemko covers individual treatment
            diversity throughout Nemko Group. We strive        such as physiotherapy, chiropractic, and
            to make Nemko a safe workplace with equal          psychological services through the occupational
            opportunities for all, regardless of background.   health service with up to two treatments per
                                                               year. There were no recorded no workplace
            Health, safety, working environment,               injuries in 2023.  
            and external environment:                          Nemko does not pollute the environment with
                                                               its operations. Furthermore, Nemko contributes
            The working environment in the company is          to environmental protection through its testing
            considered good. Systematic assessments            and certification services, which are increasingly
            of the working environment are conducted,          focused within this area.
            including annual employee surveys and regular
            safety inspections with a particular focus on      Transparency Act
            safety and ergonomics. The company offers
            good social benefits. Collaboration with           The “Åpenhetsloven,” or Transparency Act,
            employee organizations is effective, and regular   mandates companies to respect fundamental
            meetings between management and labour             human rights and promote decent working
            unions are held. The Working Environment           conditions in the production and delivery of
            Committee (AMU) has held four meetings             goods and services. This applies to our own
            during the year. The company’s occupational        operations, our suppliers, and our partners.
            health service reports annually to the AMU. The
            employee handbook and HSE manual have              Nemko Group, with a global presence in the
            been updated with necessary changes in 2023.       Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC)
                                                               industry, including Nemko Group AS, Nemko
            The absenteeism rate at Nemko Group AS in          Scandinavia AS, System Sikkerhet AS, and
            2023 was 0,7 percent, which is slightly higher     Nemko Norlab AS in Norway, prioritizes

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