Page 25 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
P. 25

Annual Report 2023 Nemko Group AS

            Nemko Group AS is owned by STIFTELSEN              years ahead, and the group’s solid financial
            NORGES ELEKTRISKE MATERIELLKONTROLL                position. The board believes that the annual
            NEMKO, which is a private, independent             financial statements present a true and fair
            foundation with the purpose of working for         view of the company’s and the group’s financial
            sustainability, environment, and safety in the     performance and position.
            production, distribution, and use of electrical    Revenue and profitability: The group’s
            equipment. Nemko Group has its own                 operating revenues increased by 25.9 percent
            operations in 12 countries in Europe, North        from NOK 959.3 million in 2022 to NOK 1,207.5
            America, and Asia, and is a world-leading          million in 2023. The group’s operating profit
            provider of testing and certification services     ended at NOK 53.9 million (compared to 16.9 in
            within the field of electrical products. The       2022) with an EBITDA margin of 10 percent and
            headquarters is located in Bærum municipality.     profit before tax of NOK 57.4 million (NOK 9.0
            The global network is supplemented by several      million). Operating revenues for Nemko Group
            strategic alliances and partnerships.
                                                               AS, including the representation office in Taiwan,
            Nemko Group AS proudly showcases our               amounted to NOK 290.2 million (263.8 million).
            resilience and growth as we mark our 90th          Profit before tax for Nemko Group AS was
            anniversary. Since 1933, we’ve been committed      NOK 63.3 million (33.3 million). Nemko Group
            to excellence in the Testing, Inspection,          AS and the group have in 2023 experienced a
            Certification, and Compliance (TICC) industry.     positive impact on results and equity due to a
                                                               weakened Norwegian krone, particularly against
            In 2023, key expansions in Korea, India, and
            the USA, along with Nemko North America’s          USD and EUR. Nemko Group AS and the group
            recognition for Korean market testing, were        are following initiatives defined in the current
            significant milestones. Internationally, our       growth strategy. These initiatives have proven
            participation in the IECEE CB Scheme has           throughout the year to be the right instruments
            streamlined global trade standards, with Nemko     for business improvement and development,
            guiding 16 CB Test Labs.                           thereby resulting in expected top-line growth.

            Securing the highest number of certificates from   Research and Development: The company
            other National Certification Bodies highlights the   has not engaged in activities related to research
            success of our international approvals program.    and development during the year.
            These achievements reflect our ongoing             Equity and Liquidity: The group’s net cash
            dedication to quality, safety, and innovation in   flow from operating activities in 2023 was
            the TICC industry.                                 NOK 59.8 million (34.7 million). Cash flow from
                                                               operations in the group largely corresponds to
            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The annual
            financial statements are prepared on the           operating profit adjusted for depreciation and
            assumption of a going concern, which the           minor changes in working capital in addition
            board confirms to be present. The confirmation     to sale of fixed assets. Net cash flow from
            is based on result forecasts for 2024              investing activities was NOK -35.6 million,
            adjusted for global unrest and uncertainty, the    and from financing activities NOK -9million.
            company’s long-term strategic plans for the        The total investments in property, plant, and
                                                               equipment in 2023 amounted to NOK 1.8 million

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