Page 32 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
P. 32

Cashflow statement Nemko Group

               (NOK 1 000)

                                                                                       2023           2022

               Cash flow from operating activities

               Net result before income tax                                           57.399         9.000
               Taxes paid within the period                                          -17.733        -3.910
               Depreciation and amortization                                          63.513        49.788
               Gain on sale of fixed assets                                          -34.678             0
               Difference in pension costs and pension inflows/outflows               -3.031        -7.251
               Change in receivables                                                   2.997       -46.952
               Change in payables                                                     -1.910        23.117
               Change in other accruals, incl. foreign exchange effects               -6.707        10.883
               Net cash flow from operating activities                                59.849        34.675

               Cash flow from investing activities

               Sales of fixed assets                                                  19.592             0
               Purchase of fixed assets                                              -54.209      -222.826
               Payments for the puchase of shares and bonds                             -960             0
               Net cash flow from investing activities                               -35.577      -222.826

               Cash flow from financing activities

               Proceeds from loans and borrowings                                      1.000       152.035
               Repayment of borrowings                                                -8.037             0
               Change in non-current interest bearing debt                            -1.969             0
               Dividends paid/received                                                     0         3.681
               Net cash flow from financing activities                                -9.006       155.716

               Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                15.266       -32.435

               Cash and cash equivalents pr. 01.01                                   140.416       172.850
               Reclassification of defined contribution plan                         -18.229             0

               Cash and cash equivalents per 31.12                                   137.453       140.415

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