Page 31 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
P. 31

(NOK 1 000)

                                                                                       2023           2022

               Share capital                                                          55.000        55.000
               Premium                                                               276.993       276.993

               Paid-in capital                                                       331.993       331.993

               Other equity                                                          202.960       157.792
               Minority interests                                                      2.790         3.385
               Retained earnings                                                     205.750       161.177

               Equity                                                                537.743       493.170


               Liabilities to credit institutions                                    181.125       179.874
               Deferred tax liabilities                                                3.495         4.962
               Pension liabilities                                                    34.766        34.365
               Long term liabilities intercompany                                          0             0
               Other long term liabilities                                            24.508        32.796

               Long term liabilities                                                 243.894       251.997
               Account payables                                                       47.112        49.007
               Short term payables intercompany                                            0            15
               Tax payables                                                            2.849         4.599
               Government taxes etc                                                   42.165        41.509
               Other short term payable                                              128.088       125.125
               Short term payables                                                   220.213       220.255

               Liabilities                                                           464.107       472.252

               Total liabilities and equity                                        1.001.851       965.421

            Oslo, 7. May 2024

            Ingvild Myhre             Arne Jorde                Grethe Spongsveen        Ove Guttormsen
            Chairman of the board     Board member              Board member             Board member

            Morten Rosenlund          Grete Aspelund            Siv Hege Solheim         Per Ove Øyberg
            Board member              Board member              Board member             President & CEO

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