Page 26 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
P. 26

(3.7 million) for Nemko Group AS and NOK 54.2      complexity related to regulatory requirements,
            million (222.8 million) for Nemko Group. The       products, customers, and end-user demands
            investments mainly involve buildings, laboratory   strengthens the need for third-party actors like
            equipment, either as an upgrade of existing        Nemko. The market and end-users demand that
            equipment or the purchase of new equipment         traded products are safe and meet energy and
            to expand the company’s service offerings. The     environmental requirements. This represents
            company’s ability to self-finance investments      opportunities for Nemko.
            is satisfactory. The company and the group         Operational Risk: Nemko operates as an
            are exposed to exchange rate fluctuations.         independent third party to the company’s
            Receivables are also exposed to credit risk.       customers. Loss of reputation is considered
            Furthermore, fluctuations in the general interest   Nemko’s greatest threat, in addition to loss of
            rate level will affect interest expenses and income   accreditations and quality deviations. Through
            on loans and bank deposits. The systematic         management and focus on risk-driving elements
            work on the collection of accounts receivable      as well as comprehensive global insurance
            has continued in 2023. Based on this, provisions   coverage, operational risk is considered reduced
            for doubtful debts are considered sufficient.      but still relevant.
            Nemko Korea, as part of the group, has entered
            into agreements with banking partners for          Financial Risk: Although Nemko Group AS
            interest rate and currency swaps to neutralize     operates with the Norwegian krone (NOK) as its
            the interest rate and currency exposure related    functional currency, conducting business outside
            to loans from external banks. With this, the       of Norway means the company is also exposed
            company’s risk related to currency exposure        to fluctuations in other currency exchange rates
            is considered moderate. The board considers        against the Norwegian krone (NOK), mainly the
            Nemko’s financial position to be satisfactory. The   euro (EUR) and the United States dollar (USD).
            group’s total assets at the end of the year were   Nemko faces currency risk related to both
            NOK 1,001.9 million (965.4 million). The equity    monetary items on the balance sheet and the
            ratio as of December 31, 2023, was 54 percent      translation of net assets in foreign operations.
            (51 percent). Nemko Group AS’s cash balance        The group’s returns on liquidity placements are
            as of December 31, 2023, was NOK 30.4 million      affected by changes in the interest rate market.
            (41,2 million), while the total for the group was   Nemko Group AS currently operates with a
            NOK 137.5 million (140.4 million).                 liquidity investment strategy where the company
                                                               is classified as a long-term investor, seeking
            Appropriation of Surplus: The annual profit        stability and focused on preserving capital. The
            in Nemko Group AS after tax amounts to NOK         company’s liquidity risk is primarily associated
            49.1 million (25.0 million). The annual profit in   with ongoing operations and investment
            the group after tax amounts to NOK 34.1 million    placements.
            (8.0 million). The board proposes the following
            appropriation of the annual surplus in Nemko       Organization
            Group AS: NOK 49.1 million is transferred to
            retained earnings.
                                                               The Board: In 2023, 6 board meetings were
            Market Risk: Nemko is constantly exposed           held. The composition of the board consists
            to market risk, and there remains a degree         of four women and three men, of which five
            of uncertainty regarding general economic          are appointed by the STIFTELSEN NORGES
            developments, especially concerning global         ELEKTRISKE MATERIELLKONTROLL NEMKO
            versus regional trade, changes in regulatory       and two are elected among the employees. It
            frameworks, as well as significant price           is confirmed that the company has directors’
            increases and issues in supply chains. Increased   and officers’ liability insurance. The insurance

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