Page 16 - Nemko - Corporate brochure - English
P. 16
International approval
et worldwide market access for your How does Nemko Direct work?
Gelectrical products through Nemko Direct.
As our customer, you can take advantage Nemko Direct is a professional service from our
of our agreements with approval bodies and skilled team. We have first-hand knowledge of
authorities across the globe. certification and import requirements, fees and
Through our unique combination of local up-to-date legislation in each country.
presence, international networks and bilateral Nemko Direct lowers barriers and gives you
agreements, Nemko Direct has obtained regulatory access to the countries and markets
more than 75,000 certificates during the last you want to reach in the shortest possible time.
25 years. The Nemko Direct service currently Nemko Direct undertakes the actual process
covers most of Eastern Europe and Asia, North of submitting everything from applications,
and South America, in addition to the Middle necessary documentation, to follow-up steps,
East and Africa.