Page 6 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
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leader. Our five-year strategy, which concluded    poor communications and ever-broadening
            in 2023, saw the foundation double its size from   portfolios. By staying focused on our core
            the previous strategy period through organic       strengths, Nemko continues to attract and
            growth, strategic acquisitions and digital         retain top-quality subject matter experts in the
            improvements to systems and operations.            TICC field.
            At the close of our previous 5-year growth
            strategy, Nemko had maintained high                Digital transformation
            customer and employee satisfaction levels. The
            2024-2027 strategy, Stronger focus, higher         As digitization becomes imperative, the TICC
            ambitions, is equally ambitious, but designed to   industry, somewhat behind in its digital maturity,
            bolster core growth, profitability, and operational   has the decade in front to adapt to the new
            efficiency in the face of global changes and       digital world. Nemko has embraced this
            uncertainty. This strategy, built on the pillars   challenge, accelerated its digital operations
            of customer focus, sustainable business            and exemplified how comprehensive digital
            practices, innovation, and prioritization, aims    transformation can propel the industry
            to ensure Nemko’s adaptability and continued       forward. We keep a vigilant watch on
            success. As we embark on our next efficiency-      technological trends, from cybersecurity and
            driven strategy, Nemko will continue to lead in    artificial intelligence, assessing their influence
            a competitive market for its service excellence    on our clientele and service portfolio. As
            and as a desirable employer, focusing on           foundational offerings like safety and EMC
            employee retention to maintain its status as       testing, management system certification, and
            a top choice in the global marketplace. This       international approvals maintain steady growth,
            strategic direction leverages Nemko’s strong       emerging technologies are prompting a call for
            market presence and aligns with its enduring       enhancement and improved structure within
            90-year legacy, setting a course for a promising   the regulatory sector. Artificial intelligence and
            future.                                            cybersecurity stand at the forefront of service
                                                               growth and internal optimization, pivotal both

            Industry trends and market structure               for in-house applications and in keeping pace
                                                               with progressive regulatory changes. Nemko

            The year 2023 witnesses several shifts in          maintains an aggressive approach to the use of
            the Testing, Inspection, Certification, and        technology and develops new service offerings
            Compliance (TICC) industry. These shifts have      to facilitate safe use and privacy.
            set the stage for organizations like Nemko         While core services remain stable, innovative
            Group AS to lead the transformation with           technology drives the need for improvements
            strategic agility and foresight.                   and structure in regulations, and Nemko is
                                                               resolute in maintaining a competitive edge.
            The trend towards massive growth through
            acquisitions, complicated by high market           Both for internal use and ongoing regulatory
            fragmentation, presents a dual challenge.          developments, AI and cyber security remain
            Nemko has strategically positioned itself          important domains for service expansion and
            to leverage consolidation benefits while           internal efficiency.
            maintaining the agility that comes from            Regulatory shifts, especially the expansion of
            operating within a smaller footprint.              eco-design requirements, have heightened the
            Competitors often struggle with efficiency         focus on sustainability. In response, Nemko
            and customer loyalty due to massive size,          introduced the Product Sustainability Corner, a

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