Page 11 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2023
P. 11

Product certification                              Functional safety

            As your certification partner, we provide          Make sure the systems that contribute to the
            certification marks that cover numerous            safety of your product function correctly under
            multinational and national certification schemes.   all circumstances.

            International approval                             Environmental and sustainability
            Get worldwide market access for your products      At Nemko, we can provide you with oversight
            through Nemko Direct.                              of rules and regulations within sustainability and
                                                               environmental performance.
            Management system certification
                                                               Nemko Norlab
            Our auditors have decades of experience in
            management system certification.                   We serve customers from industry, municipalities
                                                               and other private and public businesses
                                                               throughout Norway. Our business areas are
                                                               environmental measurement, chemical analysis,
                                                               microbiology and veterinary medicine.


                                                               we serve

                                                               •  Automotive
                                                               •  Battery
                                                               •  Building inspection
                                                               •  Fire alarms system testing
                                                               •  Household appliances
                                                               •  Installation materials
                                                               •  Industrial machinery
                                                               •  IT & audio video
                                                               •  Laboratory, test & measurement

                                                               •  Lighting equipment
                                                               •  Maritime, oil & gas
                                                               •  Medical & healthcare equipment
                                                               •  Military & aerospace product testing
                                                               •  Subsea testing
                                                               •  Wireless & telecom

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