Page 18 - Nemko - Annual performance - 2021
P. 18

Ownership structure

            Nemko is a private, independent company

            owned by the NEMKO foundation.

            The NEMKO foundation                               Foundation ownership structure

            Nemko was established in 1933 as a state-          The foundation ownership structure ensures
            owned independent association to promote           that Nemko has the necessary independence
            product safety for electrical products in          and integrity towards the authorities,
            Norway. Nemko had monopoly on testing and          accreditation bodies, customers and safety of
            approval of electrical products and material       the product.
            manufactured, imported and sold in Norway.
                                                               The foundation is managed by a board
            As a result of Norway entering the European        comprised of 10 members. Three members
            Economic Area (EEA), the NEMKO foundation          are representatives elected by the employees
            was established on 19 December 1990, as            of Nemko in Norway and seven are
            a continuation of the former state-owned           representatives designated by the following
            company.                                           Norwegian industry and trade associations:

            The objective of the NEMKO foundation              •  Elektroforeningen (Norwegian association
            is to promote product safety and work for             of electrical manufacturers, importers and
            sustainability and the environment.                   wholesalers)
                                                               •  Energi Norge (Energy Norway)
                                                               •  NFEA, Norsk Forening for Elektro og
                                                                  Automatisering (Norwegian Society of
                                                                  Electric and Automatic Control)
                                                               •  IKT-Norge (The voice of the Norwegian ICT

                                                               •  Elektronikkbransjen (Consumer Electronics
                                                                  Trade Foundation)

                                                               •  NELFO (Norwegian Electrical Contractors’

                                                               •  Norsk Industri (Federation of Norwegian

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